Home Battery Storage

A huge step towards energy independence, solar batteries let you store up power for when you really need it.

Adding battery storage minimises your reliance on the grid, and reduces the money you put in your energy supplier’s pocket.

If you consider to install battery storage system for your household to run alongside with Solar PV system Belectrix here to help. We can help you to make the right choice to optimise your savings and self-consumption from Your Home Energy System.


Home Battery Storage and PV system

If you have solar PV you can generate plenty of electricity when the sun is shining. But on overcast days you’ll make less, and you’ll make none at all at night. This generation pattern often doesn’t match up with when households want to use electricity – it’s at night when you want the lights on and to use appliances like a dishwasher or TV.

If your solar panels generate electricity and you don’t use it, it ends up being fed into the National Grid. You may get paid for it, but not as much as you save if you use the power yourself.

This is where battery storage comes in. If you can store the electricity generated during the day, there is less need to consume electricity – e.g. run your washing machine – when the sun is shining and you’ll use more of the power you generate and save money.

lg home battery

Benefits of Home Battery Storage

  • Self-consumption of Solar Generation

  • Carbon Savings and Neutrality

  • Online Monitoring

  • Retrofittable and Flexible

  • Grid Charging and Backup



“Customers can now enhance the benefits of their residential solar systems by using batteries to maximize consumption of solar energy, and to use the batteries as a dependable source of energy during grid interruptions.”